KBC Autolease lives up to its social responsibility

KBC Autolease takes its social responsibility very seriously and wants to promote a fairer and more sustainable society. By putting human beings at the heart of its concerns, it seeks to ensure a better quality of life for current and future generations. These efforts have earned KBC Autolease the label of ‘Responsible Business’ on 25 November 2022, for the third time since 2016.
CSR Coordinator: Vincent Henneaux
Here are a few examples of KBC Autolease’s commitment to promising CSR projects:
1 June 2023: Wear your trainers Capellen
The ELA association is the leading funder of research into leukodystrophies, diseases that attack nerve sheaths. ELA organises “Wear your trainer” days for companies and others, during which participants take as many steps as possible to support the association and its work.
On June 1, 2023, it was the turn of Parc de Capellen. KBC Autolease, which has been based in Capellen for many years, took part in the event, encouraging its employees to walk or run for a good cause. Many of us took up the challenge, including colleagues who were out of the office that day.
The day ended with a convivial drink with other companies from the Parc de Capellen.
23 March 2023: Indoor cycling training
As a partner of the charity Back To Sport, mentioned elsewhere on this page, KBC Autolease participated with a team of 3 people in an indoor cycling training. This inclusive training took place at the Rehazenter in Luxembourg and brought together members and supporters of Back To Sport.
During 2 one-hour sessions, participants could practice indoor cycling, a sport activity that combines cardiovascular exercises and music.
You can find pictures of this and other events on the Back To Sport photo galleries page.
30 May–1 June 2019: TransArdenne Biking Heroes
KBC Autolease supports the disabled sports charity ‘Back to Sport’. This organisation brings together adults and children with a physical disability to promote team and individual sports as a means of personal rehabilitation.
‘Back to Sport’ and ‘Cap2sports’ are the disabled sports charities of the Rehazenter Rehabilitation Centre in Luxembourg and Liège University Hospital. They teamed up at the end of May to organise a unique Benelux sporting event: the ‘TransArdenne Biking Heroes Challenge’. KBC Autolease was involved as both sponsor and participant.
What is the TransArdenne Biking Heroes Challenge?

The TransArdenne Biking Heroes Challenge (www.transardennebikingheroes.com) is an inclusive disabled sporting event for teams, which brings Persons of Reduced Mobility (PRM) to Esneux in Luxembourg.
It has several aims:
- Promote sports in general and more specifically endurance sports for disabled people
- Bring disabled and able-bodied people together at the same sporting event
- Raise public awareness of the physical and sporting potential of disabled people and the everyday difficulties they face
6 June 2019: SMARTRUN Capellen Mamer
SMARTRUN is a dynamic and friendly experience. It’s a sporting event designed to encourage networking and teambuilding for businesses at the Parc de Capellen, as well as their current and potential partners. The principle of the challenge is simple: teams of three runners compete over distances for every level: 3, 6 and 9 km. The course is a 1 500 metre loop. The first team member, runner A, sets off alone and runs two laps, making a total of 3 000 metres. When runner A crosses the finishing line for the second time, runner B sets off too. They then run 3 000 metres together, at which point runner C joins his or her teammates for two final laps.
KBC Autolease entered seven teams – two made up of employees and five of invited clients. Those guests included the disabled sports charity ‘Back to Sport’, which fielded two teams of four runners to assist a Person of Reduced Mobility.
A walk of roughly 5 km was also organised in parallel with the running race, in which five members of KBC Autolease staff took part.
3 July 2019: Adecco group’s ‘CEO for One Month’ programme

Lack of professional experience is a major barrier to entering the labour market. The Adecco group’s ‘CEO for One Month’ programme addresses that problem. It offers talented young people a unique experience: the opportunity to put themselves in the CEO’s shoes for a whole month.
The sixth instalment of the programme attracted more than 260 000 applicants from all over the world.
As part of the selection procedure, they were subjected to a whole raft of tests, trials and interviews. To qualify as ‘CEO for One Month’, candidates had to offer various skills and to demonstrate their ambition, passion, desire to learn and also their team spirit.
In Luxembourg, Philipp Dahlem was eventually selected to shadow Fabrice Poncé, CEO of the Adecco Group Luxembourg, throughout July as he went about the day-to–day management of the group. Philipp was expected to give his opinion and make suggestions to ensure that he was actively involved in the life of the business.
The student from Luxembourg University won over the jury with his natural leadership and interpersonal skills.
To celebrate his arrival at the Group, the new ‘CEO for One Month’ was presented with an iPhone 8 and a Mini Countryman, provided in partnership with KBC Autolease and Bilia Emond, as part of this unique experience.
What starts out as a local challenge also has the potential to become a global experience. One of the 47 candidates selected in each country has the chance to take part in a bootcamp, at which ten finalists compete to become international ‘CEO for One Month’.
31 July 2019 : mobiz training
KBC Autolease supports training connected with the world of fleet management. To do this, it has teamed up with mobiz, founder of ‘House of Automobile’, an organisation at national level that brings together the leading players in short and long-term vehicle rental (operational leasing).
Mobiz has developed a training programme to introduce the world of fleet management.
The aim is to enhance the knowledge and skills of managers and employees involved directly or indirectly with fleet management. Participants gain a better understanding of the market, how it operates and what challenges it faces.